
The NS 24, is Inovenso’s most versatile and advanced laboratory-scale system, it is also our best-selling model with more than 50 units installed in renowned universities and companies around the globe. This Electrospinning unit enables the collection of the nanofibers on a variety of collectors: a Flat collector, a Rotating drum collector with a high speed of 2000 rpm for obtaining well-aligned nanofibers. It can also optionally accommodate a Rotating rod collector with different sizes to obtain tubular structure of nanofibers known as tube-like nanofibers membranes which can be used as artificial blood vessels. This model has 12 nozzles, but can also be used with a single nozzle for small-laboratory production.

  • Reliable and precise process adjustments via 9” touch screen panel
  • High throughput production
  • Up to 12 electrospinning nozzles feeding
  • 376,8mm*280mm nanofiber coating area
  • High speed rotating drum up to 2000 RPM
  • Production of oriented or aligned nanofibers
  • Adjustable horizontal movement to increase uniformity of membrane
  • Automatic adjustable spinning distance
  • Extra safety options such as safe-door and warning light to avoid from high voltage
  • Produced accourding to safety regulations and CE Certified


The NE300 Electrospinning Machine, is a compact, flexible lab-scale Electrospinning system. Very similar to the NS 24 but with less emitters (8 nozzles), also has the capacity of single-nozzle production. This model has a homogeneity system that enables uniform coating of the nanofibers membrane. The NE 300 has an Electrically insulated cabinet with high density PE parts inert to chemical solutions, which enables working with many polymers. Many optional features can be added to the system, such as Co-axial System for core-shell, hollow and bi-component nanofibers.

  • Reliable and precise process adjustments via 9” touch screen panel
  • Bottom-Up spinning
  • Up to 8 Nozzles for High-throughput electrospinning
  • 314mm*220mm coating area
  • Electrically insulated cabinet with high density PE parts inert to chemical solutions
  • Automatic control of voltage, flow rate and collector motion (z-axis, x-axis and rotation)
  • Extra safety options such as safe-door and warning light to avoid from high voltage
Inovenso NE300


The NE200, is the ultimate combination of advanced features in a budget-friendly model. Ideal for scientists who want to initiate their researches in a versatile system. The machine comes with a flat collector and a rotating drum collector to obtain well-aligned nanofibers, but can also optionally accommodate other types of collectors such as the Rotating rod collectors with different sizes to obtain tubular structure of nanofibers known as tube-like nanofibers membranes which can be used as artificial blood vessels.

  • Reliable and precise process adjustments via 9” touch screen panel
  • High throughput production
  • Single nozzle electrospraying and electrospraying
  • Changeable flat collector types
  • 30-230mm nozzle to collector automatic distance adjustment
  • Humidity and temperature control chassis option
  • Extra safety options such as safe-door and warning light to avoid from high voltage
  • Produced according to safety regulations and CE Certified


The Ne100 is a easy to use, single-nozzle electrospinning unit, designed for small scale production of nanofiber. The protected cabined avoids any danger which may be caused by high voltage or solvent vapor. The model is included in Inovenso Scale Up Program, allows for users upgrading their devices to more advanced models.

  • Reliable and precise process adjustments via 9” touch screen panel
  • High throughput production with special single nozzle
  • Flat collector for nanofiber deposition


The NS Plus is the most recent model of Inovenso, designed to accommodate the maximum components required for an optimized and versatile

Electrospinning Process. It’s an ideal solution for lower-budget projects working on small-scale nanofibers research.

It has 3 Hybrid Nozzles, spinning on a rotating drum collector or plate collector, therefore enabling the production of both well-aligned and

randomly collected nanofibers. The homogeneity system allows the user to produce a uniform and homogeneous nanofibers membranes.


The NS1 model includes all the basic components required for electrospinning operations: syringe pump, high voltage power supply, and collector parts. It is possible to apply high voltage with precision as well as adjust the flow rate and the distance between the needle and collector.

The spinning area is not enclosed in a cabinet, but the small size of the system allows it to fit inside a fume hood.

Starter Kit

The Starter Kit electrospinning system is designed for low-cost, small-scale nanofiber research,

producing results from a single-nozzle configuration in a compact unit. Spinning

distance, flow rate and applied voltage are easily adjustable in side-by-side spinning.

PE-300 Electrospinning/Spraying Machine

Electrospinning is an effective and convenient technique that is resourceful in producing nanofibrous biomaterials. The quality of the nanofibres and outcome of the nanofibrous membrane can be improved by the modification of active molecules in the electrospinning setup.

Hybrid Electrospinning technique with multiple jets from each nozzle

Bottom-Up spinning

Has 18 simultaneous feeding nozzles

Nanofibre coating of 300mm in width

Programmable touch screen control panel

Continuous roll to roll substrate winding collector system

Modifiable horizontal movement between 10-80mm and 5-50mm/sec

Automatically adjustable nozzle to collector spinning with a distance between 30-230mm

Production capacity of 0.01-5gr/metre-square thick nanofiber membrane

2 Programmable Syringe Pumps and 2 High Voltage Power Supply

Able to work with 2 different polymers at different voltage and rate of flow.

PE-550 Electrospinning/Spraying Machine

The PE-550 is our Best-selling Electrospinning for the Continuous production of nanofibers, suitable for manufacturing nanofibers in industrial scale. Its major advantage is scalability, as it’s suitable for both Production line as well as R&D projects. The PE-550 functions with 56 nozzles enabling high productivity for mass production of nanofibers, however it can also function with 1 nozzle when working on R&D projects.

Hybrid Electrospinning Technique (Multiple Jets from each nozzle).

Bottom-Up spinning

Up to 56 concurrently feeding nozzles

550mm width nanofiber coating

Programmable touch screen control panel

Continuous roll to roll substrate winding collector system

Adjustable horizontal movement between 20-80mm and 5-50mm/sec

Automatic adjustable spinning distance between 30-230mm. Nozzle to collector.

0,01-5gr/metersquare thick nanofiber membrane production capacity.

4 Programmable Syringe Pumps and 4 High Voltage Power Supply

Possibility to work with 4 different polymers (with different voltage and flow rate).

Nanospinner 416 Industrial Electrospinning/Spraying Line

NANOSPINNER416 is an electrospinning oriented industrial nanofiber production machine that can coat 1-meter width fabrics with
50-400 nm (0.05-0.4 μm) diameter nanofibers.

The industrial nanofiber membrane production line by the electrospinning method has led to the formation of a new industry with high production capacity and product quality. Industrial Scale Nanofiber Membrane Production Unit The Nanospinner416 is the ongoing industrial project which waits for today’s electrospinning projects as tomorrow’s nanofiber products.


TypeBottom-Up Spinning

Programmable touch screen control panel

Up to 204 Nozzles during full operation

Possible to work with single nozzle

Standard Different Diameters Nozzles can be attached optionally

Easy to use 2 precise peristaltic pumps

High throughput nanofiber production for higher production capacity in less time.

Fiber Deposition Width: 1000 mm

Substrate Winding Speed: 0,2 m/min – 20 m/min

StreamSpinner550 Open Surface Pilot-Scale Electrospinning/Spraying Line

The StreamSpinner550 is an Open Surface Pilot-Scale Electrospinning/Spraying Machine, suitable for both commercial-scale manufacturing of nanofibers, and research-oriented large-scale sampling of nanofiber media. This machine has the ability to load a 550 mm width fabric roll onto the collector and run hundreds of linear meters of media. The SS550 provides a much higher throughput in comparison with conventional electrospinning systems, where you can transition the nanofiber membrane synthesis from your lab-scale equipment to the pilot-scale, effectively industrializing nanofiber-based products.

High Production Rate: 5 to 15 times higher than conventional electrospinning systems.

Up to 43 meters/min. production of nanofibers (PA6 0.03GSM)

Smart Dynamic Feeding System provides an extremely homogeneous production, and precise adjustment of the flow rate.

Smart Winding System: The software sets the desired thickness by automatically adjusting the flow rate and winding speed.

Compatibility to work with a wide viscosity range of polymeric solutions.

Patent Pending Technology.

StreamSpinner1000 Open Surface Industrial Electrospinning/Spraying Line

StreamSpinner1000 is an Open Surface Industrial Electrospinning machine, suitable for the commercial manufacturing of nanofibers, and nanofiber-based products on a 1000mm width roll-to-roll collector. Not only does the StreamSpinner1000 provide a much higher throughput in comparison with conventional Electrospinning systems, but it also provide a smooth manufacturing process that doesn’t require an operator to oversee the process, and detect anomalies.

High Production Rate: 5 to 15 times higher than conventional electrospinning systems.

Up to 51 meters/min. production of nanofibers (PA6 0.03GSM)

Smart Dynamic Feeding System provides an extremely homogenous production, and precise adjustment of the flow rate.

Smart Winding System: The software sets the desired thickness by automatically adjusting the flow rate and winding speed.

Compatibility to work with a wide viscosity range of polymeric solutions.

Patent Pending Technology.

CosmeTailor Open Surface Industrial Electrospinning/Spraying Line

Gaining admiration of people with a well- groomed physical appearance is one of the basic phenomena that exist in human nature. As a matter of fact; requirements of personal care bring along new developments of novel products for cosmetics.

The use of nanofibers and the nanostructures in cosmetics is often referred to as “nanocosmetics.” These products are designed to provide improved performance, better skin penetration, and enhanced appearance.

These products are 100 % natural and do not contain any chemicals like preservatives and emulsifiers.

They are superior alternatives to heavy creams, gels and masks by offering a better fit, increased breathability, and intensive skin rejuvenation with deeper penetration and enhanced delivery of skin-beneficial ingredients.

Thanks to ultimate small size of nanofibers, they provide instant and noticeable revitalizing and glowing on the skin.

They are easy to apply and 100% effective use of skin agents, vitamins and nutrients with thinner and more comfortable structure compared to traditional sheet masks and patches.